Wheat Atlas is an online portal to diverse information on wheat production, markets and research, with particular focus on the developing countries. The information is geographically organized, and can be visualized using maps and charts.

Countries in Wheat Atlas

Wheat news by continent

Wheat Trade & Prices

 US - HRW (Gulf)  EU - France Grade 1 (Rouen)    Prices in US$ / Ton

What's new in Wheat Atlas

  • 2569 wheat varieties released all around the world within last 10 years were added to the Wheat Atlas. - 2016-12-16
  • New facultative wheat variety Heidari was released in Iran. - 2015-08-10
  • List of wheat varieties of Iran was updated. New varieties released in 2015 include Hashtrood, Mehrgan, Shush, Baharan, and Narin. - 2015-05-26
  • List of wheat varieties of Mexico was updated - 2015-03-25
  • New forms enabling online submission of new varieties, wheat scientists, institutions and triticologists are published. - 2015-03-05